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Year 1 Online Maths Lessons
Lesson | Lesson Name | Strand | Content | Outcome |
51 | Addition to 10 with Two and Three groups | Operations | Addition | Solve addition of three whole numbers. Use the count on strategy. Represent numerals with objects to solve addition problems. Understand the equal sign and work out if addition equations are true or false. |
52 | 2D Shapes - Sorting and Grouping | Geometry | Shape | Recognise and classify familiar two-dimensional shapes. Compose two-dimensional shapes. Match two-dimensional shapes to their names. Identify shapes as two-dimensional or three-dimensional. |
53 | Subtraction (2) | Operations | Subtraction | Represent objects with a written numeral to solve subtraction problems. Represent a written numeral with objects to solve subtraction problems. Work out the unknown number in a subtraction equation. Find pairs of numbers that make 10. |
54 | Time - O'clock | Measurement | Time | Tell and write time in hours and half-hours. Use analog and digital clocks. Use comparative language: longer time, shorter time. |
55 | Length - Near and Far | Measurement | Length | Compare and select which is longer or shorter. Sort objects according to height. Describe position and movement using the everyday language of location and direction. Use comparative language: near, far, behind, in front, on, next to, big, small, short, tall, longest, shortest. |
56 | Number Lines | Number | Counting | Count to 20. Read number words to twenty. Sequence numbers, counting forwards and backwards. Count to answer 'How many?' questions. Connect counting to addition. Model addition for addends to 10. |
57 | Position (1) | Location | Position | Follow directions to familiar locations. Understand position words when giving and following directions: right, left, above, below, next to, between, forward, under. |
58 | Subtraction - Using a Number Line | Operations | Subtraction | Solve subtraction problems using a number line. Represent objects with a written numeral to solve subtraction problems. Represent a written numeral with objects to solve subtraction problems. Work out the unknown number in a subtraction equation. |
59 | Area | Measurement | Area | Understand that area measures how much a surface covers. Sort objects according to height. Sort objects according to area. Compare to identify and order area. Count to measure area. Use comparative language: big, small, short, tall, largest, smallest. |
60 | Counting 20 - 30 | Number | Counting | Count to 30 starting at any number. Read and write numerals. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral. Compose two-digit numbers using tens and ones. Compare groups of objects. Use comparative language: larger, smaller. |
61 | Wholes and Halves | Number | Fractions | Partition objects into halves. Identify and colour one half of different 2D shapes. Recognise to share equally between two, each share is one half. Read fraction notation. |
62 | 3D Objects - Sorting and Grouping | Measurement | 3D Shape | Identify shapes that stack. Identify shapes that roll. Identify shapes that slide. Name 3D objects. Identify the number of sides and corners on a 3D object. |
63 | Ordinal Numbers | Number | Counting | Read and represent position using ordinal numbers in a sequence. |
64 | Money | Number | Money | Count and order money. Solve addition problems using coins. Solve addition problems involving money. |
65 | Addition to 20 | Operations | Addition | Solve addition of three whole numbers. Use the count on strategy. Solve addition problems using a number line. Solve addition problems by counting by twos. Compose numbers from 11 to 19 into tens and ones. Make number bonds for numbers to 20. |
66 | Halves and Quarters | Number | Fractions | Partition objects into halves and quarters. Identify and colour one half and one quarter of different 2D shapes. Recognise to share equally between two, three and four. Read fraction notation. |
67 | Counting 30 - 40 | Number | Counting | Count to 40 starting at any number. Read and write numerals. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral. Compose two-digit numbers using tens and ones. Make number bonds to 30 with three addends. |
68 | Subtraction - Find the Difference | Number | Subtraction | Solve subtraction problems using find the difference. Represent objects with a written numeral to solve subtraction problems. Represent a written numeral with objects to solve subtraction problems. Work out the unknown number in a subtraction equation. |
69 | Putting Shapes Together (2D & 3D) | Geometry | 2D & 3D Shapes | Compose two-dimensional shapes to create a composite shape. Compose three-dimensional shapes to create a composite shape. |
70 | Time - O'clock & Half Past | Measurement | Time | Tell and write time in hours and half-hours. Use analog and digital clocks. Use comparative language: longer time, shorter time. |
71 | Sharing | Operations | Group & Share | Share a collection of objects into two, three, four or six equal groups. |
72 | Doubles (2) | Number | Addition | Solve addition problems using doubles as a strategy. Compare groups of objects. Use comparative language: larger, smaller. Find pairs of numbers that make 10. Solve addition of three whole numbers. Make number bonds for numbers to 20. |
73 | Mass - Heavy & Light (2) | Measurement | Mass | Compare and order which is heavier or lighter. Use comparative language: heavy, heavier, heaviest, light, lighter, lightest, balance. |
74 | Grouping | Operations | Group | Sort and describe a collection of objects as a group. Represent multiplication as groups through equal sharing. Identify collections with the same number of objects. Count out groups to answer 'How many?' questions. Skip count to find the total. |
75 | Counting 40 - 50 | Number | Counting | Count to 50 starting at any number. Read and write numerals. Compose two-digit numbers using tens and ones. Make number bonds for numbers to 20. Make number bonds to 30 with three addends. |
76 | The Equal Sign | Number | Counting | Understand the equal sign. Work out if an equation using an equal sign is true or false. Make number bonds for numbers to 20. |
77 | Skip Counting by 2s & 5s | Number | Counting | Solve problems counting by twos and fives. Solve problems on the number line counting by twos and fives. Find groups of two. Count out groups to answer 'How many?' questions. |
78 | Position (2) | Location | Position | Follow directions to familiar locations. Understand position words when giving and following directions: right, left, above, below, next to, between, forward, under. |
79 | Counting by 10s | Number | Counting | Sort objects into groups of ten. Recognise ten as a bundle of ten ones. Skip count by tens. Compose two-digit numbers using tens and ones. Count and create collections by partitioning numbers using place value. |
80 | Data (1) | Statistics | Graphs | Represent data with objects and drawings. Sort data and represent using tally marks. Understand one-to-one correspondence. Answer questions about data. |
81 | Counting 50-70 | Number | Counting | Count to 70 starting at any number. Read and write numerals. Order numbers on a number line. Order numbers on a number chart. Compare groups of objects. Use comparative language: larger, smaller. Count and create collections by partitioning numbers using place value. |
82 | Chance (1) | Statistics | Chance | Identify outcomes of familiar events. Use everyday chance language: will happen, won't happen, might happen, possible, impossible. Use comparative language: more likely, less likely. |
83 | Money (2) | Money | Addition & Subtraction | Solve addition problems involving money. Identify coins and notes. Match money to symbols: £, c. Compare the cost of items. Use different denominations of notes and coins to make amounts. Solve subtraction problems requiring change. |
84 | Measuring Length | Measurement | Length | Compare and select which is longer or shorter. Measure and compare the lengths of pairs of objects using uniform informal units. Sort objects according to length. Use comparative language: longer, longest, shorter, shortest. |
85 | Find the Difference (2) | Number | Subtraction | Solve subtraction problems using find the difference. Represent objects with a written numeral to solve subtraction problems. Solve subtraction problems using a number line. Represent a written numeral with objects to solve subtraction problems. Work out the unknown number in a subtraction equation. |
86 | Counting 70-100 | Number | Counting | Count to 100 starting at any number. Read and write numerals. Order numbers on a number line. Order numbers on a number chart. Compare groups of objects. Use comparative language: larger, smaller. Understand the meaning of the equal sign to determine true or false. |
87 | Time: Half Past (digital) | Measurement | Time | Tell and write time in hours and half-hours. Use analog and digital clocks. |
88 | Trading Tens | Operations | Place Value & Addition | Sort objects into groups of ten. Recognise ten as a bundle of ten ones. Compose two-digit numbers using tens and ones. Count and create collections by partitioning numbers using place value. Order numbers on a number chart. |
89 | Capacity (2) | Measurement | Capacity | Use comparisons to decide which holds more or less. Use comparative language: empty, full, least, most. Compare capacities using a range of containers. Measure the capacity of a container using informal units. |
90 | Skip Counting (2) | Number | Counting | Skip count by twos and fives. Make number bonds for numbers to 20. Solve problems for the addition of three whole numbers. Use repeated addition to model and answer multiplication questions. |
91 | Near Doubles to 20 | Number | Addition | Solve addition problems using the near doubles strategy. Use add to ten first as an addition strategy. Skip count by fives. Find different sums that add to make the same number. Solve addition of three whole numbers. Make number bonds for numbers to 20. Count and create numbers by partitioning numbers using place value. |
92 | Change from £20 | Operations | Subtraction | Solve addition problems involving money. Identify coins and notes. Match money using symbols: £, c. Compare the cost of items. Use different denominations of notes and coins to make amounts. Solve subtraction problems requiring change. |
93 | Number Fact Families | Number | Place Value | Solve problems using the commutative property of addition. Fluently add to 10. Recognise different number combinations that make number fact families. Understand the equal sign. Work out if addition equations are true or false. Subitise small groups of objects in different formations. |
94 | Position (2) | Location | Position | Follow directions to familiar locations. Understand position words when giving and following directions: right, left, above, below, beneath, underneath, on top of, next to, between, beside, forward, under, clockwise, anticlockwise. |
95 | Add Within 100 (two-digit + one-digit) | Operations | Place Value & Addition | Add a two-digit number and a one-digit number. Use strategies based on place value. Add two-digit numbers requiring sometimes to compose a ten. Add on a number line. Order numbers on a number chart. Solve addition problems using counting on as a strategy. Solve word problems using addition. Add multiples of ten to a two-digit number. Recognise different number combinations that make number fact families. |
96 | Bridging (10, 20, 30) | Operations | Addition | Solve addition problems using the bridge to ten strategy. Solve addition problems using a number line. Write equations to solve addition problems. Understand the equal sign. Work out if addition equations are true or false. Use comparative language: larger, smaller. Solve addition problems using the jump strategy. Add multiples of ten to a two-digit number. |
97 | Data (2) | Statistics | Data | Represent data with objects and drawings. Sort data and represent using tally marks. Understand one-to-one correspondence. Answer questions about data. |
98 | Add and Subtract Tens to 10s | Operations | Addition & Subtraction | Add and subtract multiples of ten to a two-digit number. Add and subtract on a number line. Add and subtract using a numbers chart. Understand the equal sign. Work out if addition equations are true or false. Solve addition problems by using the count on strategy. Subitise small groups of objects in different formations. |
99 | 3D Objects (2) | Geometry | 3D Object | Recognise and sort two-dimensional shapes that are the faces of three-dimensional objects. Identify prisms. Identify faces of prisms. Recognise features of prisms. Identify objects shaped as prisms. |
100 | Subtracting Unknown Numbers | Number | Subtraction | Find the unknown number in a subtraction equation. Solve problems using the commutative property of addition. Fluently add to 10. Recognise different number combinations that make number fact families. Solve subtraction problems by using the count on strategy. Solve subtraction problems requiring change. |