Mathseeds School Edition

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Mathseeds Driving Tests: Topic Tests

How do you find out what pupils know and where their knowledge gaps are?

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Mathseeds Driving Tests provide teachers with a clear picture of where individual pupils are in their learning cycle. Within each domain, the tests progress through a continuum of standards-based, grade-level skills.


Standards-Based Assessment

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Pupils progress through a sequence of short focused tests that provide a comprehensive view of pupil progress.

  • Tests provide comprehensive coverage of all R–3 maths topics.
  • Driving tests cover six core content areas: number, operations, patterns and fractions, measurement, geometry and data.
  • Questions target key concepts, strategies and vocabulary to help pupils succeed.
  • Pupils must demonstrate a high proficiency level to successfully complete each test.

Targeted Questioning

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Easy to administer and quick to complete, each test delivers questions at the right level.

  • Question formats are clear and easy to follow.
  • Audio support is provided for all questions.
  • Question sets increase in difficulty level to challenge pupils.
  • Format helps pupils prepare for national tests.

Easy to Assign

maths programme reception year 1 year 2

Teachers can assign tests to individual pupils or the whole class.

  • Teachers can assign a driving test to assess pupil understanding before and/or after teaching.
  • Detailed reports provide useful insights into pupil progress.
  • Driving Test data can inform future pupil learning opportunities.
  • Use data to assign Mathseeds lessons that target specific learning gaps.

Rewards Success

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Built-in reward games motivate pupils to make real progress.

    • The completion of a driving test unlocks 60 seconds of a game.
    • Pupils feel rewarded and are motivated to keep moving forward.
    • Game leaderboards motivate pupils to complete another test.
    • All pupils can experience success and take pride in their achievements.